Publication Ethics

Commitment to Ethics in the Publication Process

The Brazilian Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy (RBTCC) is committed to ensure the integrity, veracity and accuracy of all material it publishes, as well as ethical conduct throughout its peer review and publication process. No misconduct regarding the publication process is accepted, which includes, but is not limited to: plagiarism, auto-plastering, citation manipulation, data spoofing, ghostwriting, conflicts of interest, and manipulation of the peer review process. The RBTCC follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ethics guidelines for publication.

Misconduct Allegations

Misconduct allegations concerning the publication process may be submitted to the RBTCC by any of the parties involved in the publication process (authors, reviewers, readers and editors), before or after publication, by any official means (RBTCC e-mails, its publishers, official websites etc.). Each allegation will be reviewed and forwarded to the Chief Editor of the RBTCC, who may consult or delegate functions to the Associate Editors, Assessors or Technical Staff of the RBTCC. Those involved in the claim and their respective institutions can also be consulted. Each process will follow the flowchart submitted by COPE.

Allegations, complaints and appeals regarding the activities of the editorial or technical body of the RBTCC must be referred to the Executive Board of ABPMC, which will investigate what has happened and take the appropriate measures.

Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism

The journal publishes only novel never before published papers, so if the plagiarism detection occurs during the review process the manuscript it will be immediately rejected. Examples of academic plagiarism are: copy a study or part of it, copy another author writings, or even own previously published writings (selfplagiarism). Plagiarism is considered an unacceptable practice in academic publishing. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that there is no plagiarism in their articles. Journal editors and reviewers are instructed to use plagiarism detection software for prior evaluation of submitted articles. In case of suspected plagiarism by any means, the procedures proposed by COPE will be followed.

The manuscript should not be submitted to more than one journal simultaneously, nor may it have been previously published (in part or in whole). The use of material previously published by the same author (s) must be indicated and justified explicitly, to avoid suspicion of selfplagiarism. A single study should also not be arbitrarily divided into several parts to increase the amount of publications.


The RBTCC adopts the authorship definition of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), also known as Vancouver group. In its most recent version, there are four criteria for someone to be listed as the author of a scientific publication:

  • Contribute substantially to the writing, design of the work or execution of the work; and
  • Elaborate and submit the first version of the work and review it critically in terms of important intellectual content; and
  • Approve the final reviewed version to be published; and
  • Agree to be responsible for all aspects of the work, ensuring that questions regarding the accuracy or completeness of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Only those persons who have given express consent to this should be included as authors. When submitting a manuscript to the RBTCC, the submitter ensures that he has obtained the express consent of all persons listed as authors and must be able to provide evidence to support such consent, if requested. Adding or removing authors during the review process will only be allowed with the presentation of pertinent justifications and after the authorization of the Editorial Board of the RBTCC. Changes in authorship can not be made after final acceptance of the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

 Conflicts of interest of authors, reviewers or editors should be explained, preferably before publication, but possibly also after publication. A conflict of interest is:

  • A situation in which a person or organization is involved in multiple interests, financial or otherwise, and serving one interest may involve working against another. Typically, this relates to situations in which the personal interest of an individual or organization can adversely affect a decision-making responsibility for the benefit of a third party.
  • The presence of a conflict of interest is independent of the occurrence of an impropriety. In this way, a conflict of interest can be resolved voluntarily before any corruption occurs.

Conflicts of interest of authors that may interfere with the results, ideas and conclusions presented in manuscripts submitted to RBTCC should be explained by the authors during the manuscript submission process. The Cover Sheet with Identification of the manuscript should include statements about conflicts of interest of each author. If several or all authors have no conflict of interest this can be stated in a single sentence (e.g., "Author A, Author B and Author C declare that they have no conflict of interest"). During the submission process of the manuscript, conflicts of interest regarding the editors or potential reviewers of the manuscript should also be mentioned - through the online submission system or by email to the Editorial Board of the RBTCC. Conflicts of interest identified after publication (by readers, reviewers, authors, etc.) should also be explicitly submitted to the RBTCC Editorial Board by email.

Availability of Data, Materials, Code or Protocols

All authors should made any additional raw data available to editors, if requested in any stage of the editorial process. The same is valid after publication, if any reader request it. The journal encourages the following of the Meta-analysis Reporting Standards and the Journal Article Reporting Standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) as a guide. The journal also encourages self archiving and uploads to relevant academic social media.

Ethics and Related Norms

Authors should be aware of and follow all standards for conducting research with human subjects, other animals, vulnerable populations, etc., in addition to those relating to copyright, the use of confidential data, and business and marketing practices. Copies of the opinion of the Ethics Committee on Research or the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals, where appropriate, should be forwarded at the submission of the manuscript. Without this document the manuscript will not initiate the editorial process. Authors should obtain permission to use software, questionnaires, scales, etc. (if applicable) - which will be requested during the review process.


The journal owns the copyrights of all articles published. The complete reproduction of the articles of this Journal in other publications, or for any other purpose, by any other means, requires authorization from the Chief Editor. This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle of making available free scientific knowledge to the public, providing greater global democratization of knowledge.

Discussions, Corrections and Retractions of Published Papers

The retraction process of the journal is based on the recommendations of the Public Ethics Committee (COPE), which aims to correct the literature and ensure its integrity. These measures also alert readers to publications containing incorrect data that make their findings and conclusions doubtful, cases of plagiarism and lack of disclosure of conflicting conflicts of interest that may influence interpretations.

If any significant errors or inaccuracy is discovered, authors, readers, reviewers or editors should informour Chief Editor. Depending on the nature of the error, the RBTCC may publish a correction or delete/archive the original article. In both cases, it will be detailed what errors or inaccuracies justified the paper retraction or correction.

At the discretion of the Editorial Board, discussions, notes or comments of published articles may also be published. Interested parties should contact the Editor-in-Chief.