“I am unable because I am fat”: case report about the influence of fatphobic cultural practices on feelings of inadequacy and incapacity





Fatphobia, Radical Behaviorism, Cultural Practices, Prejudice, Behavioral Analytical Therapy


Fat-phobic cultural practices produce suffering apart from the socioverbal community that suffers punishment because of their body weight. Such punishments produce intense physiological changes and actions to avoid or eliminate the probability of contact with events that exert an aversive function. This article is an case report of a psychotherapeutic process , whose objective was to evaluate implications of fatphobic cultural practices in the production of inadequacy and incapacity behaviors. We performed 48 sessions. During the sessions, it was possible to notice the formulation of the self-rule “I am unable because I am fat” (sic.), relating performance, in different contexts, to body weight. Faced with situations of social interaction, the client presented physiological changes and behavioral repertoire of escape and avoidance. With the psychotherapeutic process, the client began to expose herself to new situations and, with that, access reinforcers and discriminate that the performance in her socioverbal interactions is not necessarily related to the size of her body.


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Author Biographies

Maína Pretto Marchioro, IFAC - Instituto Florianópolis de Análise do Comportamento

Maína Pretto Marchioro. Psicóloga graduada pela Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL). Pós-Graduada em Análise Comportamental Clínica pelo Instituto Brasiliense de Análise do Comportamento, Brasília, DF. Pós- Graduada em Terapia por Contingências de Reforçamento pelo Instituto de Terapia de Contingências de Reforçamento, Campinas, SP. Pós-Graduada em Violência Doméstica pela Faculdade Iguaçu, Capanema, PR e Pós-Graduanda em Direito da Mulher pela Faculdade Iguaçu, Capanema, PR. Psicóloga parceira do IFAC - Instituto Florianópolis de Análise do Comportamento. Psicóloga e Diretora financeira na Não Era Amor. 

Juliane Viecili, IFAC - Instituto Florianópolis de Análise do Comportamento

Juliane Viecili. Psicóloga. Doutora e mestre em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Analista do comportamento acreditada pela ABPMC. Docente e Fundadora do IFAC- Instituto Florianópolis de Análise do Comportamento. 



How to Cite

Pretto Marchioro, M., & Viecili, J. (2024). “I am unable because I am fat”: case report about the influence of fatphobic cultural practices on feelings of inadequacy and incapacity. Brazilian Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, 25(1), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.31505/rbtcc.v25i1.1845



Case study