Relationships between Brazilian Psychology Association and the Brazilian Association of Behavioral Psychotherapy and Medicine


  • Maria Martha Costa Hübner



sociedades científicas, análise do comportamento, política científica, organização científica, scientific associations, behavior analysis, scientific police, scientific organization


The present paper presents a report of the author´s recent experience as the president of the Brazilian Psychology Association, for four years (2001-2002-2003-2004), her participation at the Association for Behavior Analysis and the articulation for the creation of ABA Brazil, with the focus on the established relations with ABPMC throughout this recent history, on her process of learning during this experience and on reflections emerged. The objective was to discuss, based on this experience, the possibilities for a more systematic presence of ABPMC at the entities and national forums of Psychology in Brazil. The conclusion is that it was only after the relations among other scientific associations became official and the communication network became systemic and institutionalized that conquests were possible and doors were opened to a larger diffusion of Behavior Analysis and an interrelation among ABPMC and scientific associations. This organization is considered necessary for the diffusion and empowerment of Behavior Analysis in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Hübner, M. M. C. (2006). Relationships between Brazilian Psychology Association and the Brazilian Association of Behavioral Psychotherapy and Medicine. Brazilian Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, 8(2), 237–241.



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