Psychometric Characteristics of the Pictorial Test of Cognitive Profiles


  • Donizete Tadeu Leite UFU
  • Renata Ferrarez Fernandes Lopes UFU
  • Lívia Melo Gonçalves UFU
  • Ederaldo José Lopes UFU


Palabras clave:

Pictorial Test of Cognitive Profiles (TPPC), personality disorders, cognitive schemas, Persona-lity Belief Questionnaire – Short Form (PBQ-SF)


This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Pictorial Test of Cognitive Profiles (TPPC) through the internal consistency and convergent validity of the TPPC with the Brazilian version of the Personality Belief Questionnaire – Short Form (PBQ-SF). The TPPC as well as the PBQ-SF was designed as a clinical and research tool, with nine subscales, to assess personality profiles. A sample of 86 college students responded to the Brazilian version of the PBQ-SF and the TPPC. The results showed satisfactory levels for estimating the reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) of the TPPC test (alpha = .93). Overall, the findings demonstrate the convergent validity for the TPPC, suggesting that it is also a practical tool to evaluate cognitive profiles of personality as well as the PBQ-SF.


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Cómo citar

Leite, D. T., Lopes, R. F. F., Gonçalves, L. M., & Lopes, E. J. (2014). Psychometric Characteristics of the Pictorial Test of Cognitive Profiles. Revista Brasileña De Terapia Comportamental Y Cognitiva, 16(2), 37–49.



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