Psychocardiology: analysis of issues related to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases


  • Maria Rita Zoega Soares UEL
  • Renatha El Rafihi Ferreira USP
  • Felipe Alckmin Carvalho USP
  • Deivid Regis dos Santos UEL



Psychocardiology, Behavior Analysis, Health Psychology, Cardiovascular Diseases


Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are currently the most frequent cause of mortality worldwide, producing serious functional and emotional impairment in patients and their families’ lives. Thus, this condicion is considered complex problem and a challenge to the public health system. Given the importance of this is-sue, several areas of knowledge are mobilized in order to develop prevention strategies and more effective treatment. The aim of the paper is to present epidemiological data on CVD , indicate risk and protective factors, describe Psychocardiology, a recent and interdisciplinary area between psychology and medicine, and finally, point treatment possibilities of behavioral therapists in this context. Behavioral clinicians can contribute to the identification of classes of behaviors associated with CVD, manipulate the antecedents variables for their issuance and the consequences that select and maintain this condition. In this context, the patient may learn to discriminate the determinants of his behavior in order to change them.


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How to Cite

Soares, M. R. Z., Ferreira, R. E. R., Carvalho, F. A., & Santos, D. R. dos. (2016). Psychocardiology: analysis of issues related to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Brazilian Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, 18(1), 59–71.



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