Eating Behavior and Eating Disorders: A discussion of determinants variables of anorexia and bulimia


  • Paola E. M. Almeida PUC SP
  • Maria Luisa Guedes PUC SP
  • Ana Carolina Rossi PUC SP
  • Barbara Tolosa PUC SP
  • Barbara Rodrigues PUC SP
  • Bruna Tchalekian PUC SP
  • Gabriella Abud PUC SP
  • Isabel Resende PUC SP
  • Julia Arnoldi PUC SP
  • Luisa Agosti PUC SP
  • Luis Felipe Cruz PUC SP
  • Luisa Capucci PUC SP
  • Maria Fernanda Castro PUC SP
  • Paola Piton PUC SP
  • Rafael Santos PUC SP
  • Renata Siqueira PUC SP
  • Zoe Barossi PUC SP



eating disorders, weight phobia, activity anorexia


This paper presents a critical review of diagnostic criteria and determination models of anorexia and bulimia, used in the International Journal of Eating Disorders. It is particularly questioning the notion of internal determination of these disorders, emphasizing this mode of interpretation with an analysis of the weight phobia (fat phobia). The recovery of this biobehavioral model of anorexia induced by physical activity, and the set of experiments that underlie it, aims to bring the consideration of alternative explanations for eating disorders without the need to appeal to emotional or cognitive variables as determinants of these disorders


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Author Biography

Ana Carolina Rossi, PUC SP




How to Cite

Almeida, P. E. M., Guedes, M. L., Rossi, A. C., Tolosa, B., Rodrigues, B., Tchalekian, B., Abud, G., Resende, I., Arnoldi, J., Agosti, L., Cruz, L. F., Capucci, L., Castro, M. F., Piton, P., Santos, R., Siqueira, R., & Barossi, Z. (2014). Eating Behavior and Eating Disorders: A discussion of determinants variables of anorexia and bulimia. Brazilian Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, 16(1), 21–29.


