Teaching Tacts, Listener Responding, and Effects on Intraverbals in Children with Autism


  • Daniel Carvalho de Matos Universidade Ceuma e Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • Creuziana Xavier de Araújo Universidade Ceuma
  • Katiane Reis da Silva Universidade Ceuma




category intraverbals, tacts, listener responses, instructive feedback, autism


The effects of teaching methodologies based on Behavior Analysis are investigated over the learning of
intraverbals, which are usually impaired in autistic children. The purpose of this research was to assess the
effects of teaching tact and listener repertoires, by programming two different intervention packages for two
pairs of autistic children, over the emergence of intraverbals consisting in listing category members. For two
children from a tact condition, it was implemented the teaching of simple tacts, simple tacts with instructive
feedback and category tacts. For two children from a listener condition, it was implemented simple listener
responses, responses with instructive feedback and category identification as listener. No intraverbal
emergence effect was demonstrated and the direct teaching of this repertoire demanded the use of many
prompts (tact and echoic), producing increases in performance with variability for one participant and
dependence of tact as prompt. Possibilities of methodological changes in the future are discussed.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Carvalho de Matos, Universidade Ceuma e Universidade Federal do Maranhão

Psicólogo, Mestre e Doutor em Psicologia Experimental: Análise do Comportamento pela PUC-SP. Docente do curso de Psicologia da Universidade Ceuma e docente colaborador do curso de mestrado em Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Maranhão

Creuziana Xavier de Araújo, Universidade Ceuma

Acadêmica do curso de Psicologia da Universidade Ceuma

Katiane Reis da Silva, Universidade Ceuma

Acadêmica do curso de Psicologia da Universidade Ceuma



How to Cite

de Matos, D. C., de Araújo, C. X., & da Silva, K. R. (2019). Teaching Tacts, Listener Responding, and Effects on Intraverbals in Children with Autism. Brazilian Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, 20(4), 8–26. https://doi.org/10.31505/rbtcc.v20i4.1075


